Deputy Head of the Department of General Legal Disciplines, Police Lieutenant Colonel Assel Akylbekova, together with a 1st year undergraduate senior police Lieutenant On January 24, Anargul Rahmetkali held a training seminar with students of initial vocational training courses within the framework of the basics of professional police training section....
2024-01-24 01:51:29
Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Shrakbek Kabylbayev sincerely congratulates veterans of the Academy, colleagues, cadets, and all Kazakhstanis on the New Year!
2024-01-01 01:36:07
The cadets of the Kostanay Academy met with famous athletes, graduates of our university, who glorify Kazakhstan by winning various world titles. Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 11 sports, master of sports of international class in 4 sports, world champion in MMA, world medalist in...
2024-01-11 01:26:23
Today, the Kostanay Academy honored the memory of Darkhan Bazarbayev. On January 19, 2020, Darkhan Bazarbayev died in the line of duty at the hands of a family brawler in Kostanay region. For courage and heroism in the line of duty, by Decree of the President of...
2024-01-19 01:00:42
As part of familiarization and consolidation of knowledge of students of initial professional training courses, senior lecturer of the Department of General Legal Disciplines, Lieutenant Colonel of the Police Aizhan Buzakanova, for a practical lesson on the topic "Powers of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic...
2024-01-23 01:37:24
The cadets of the Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs got acquainted with the work of the Cynological Service Center. The dog handlers explained that the dog's training lasts about a year, after which it is ready for service. Each pet has many rewards for solving a number...
2024-01-25 02:55:32
At the end of last week, students of the 1st and 2nd platoons of the initial vocational training courses of the Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Shrakbek Kabylbayev visited the museum of the educational institution. The curator of the funds,...
2024-01-29 01:20:30
On January 30 of this year, the Kostanay Region Police Department held a "Job Fair" at the Miras Palace of Culture. The event was attended by Deputy Head of the Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Shrakbek Kabylbayev, Police Colonel Akhan...
2024-01-30 01:17:47
It is not a profession that chooses a person, but a person chooses a profession. In the period from January 29 to January 30, 2024, in the village of Karabalyk, Kostanay region, career guidance work was carried out with students of the final grades of secondary schools No. 1 named...
2024-01-31 01:25:43
Викторинапосвященная 25-летию Казахстанской полиции В рамах недели кафедры государственно-правовых дисциплин, 18 апреля 2017 года старшим преподавателем кафедры майором полиции Пилецкой Е.Н., преподавателем кафедры капитаном полиции Новотеевой С.А., была проведена Викторина по Гражданскому праву Республики Казахстан среди курсантов 2 курса факультета очного обучения.Викторина состояла из трех этапов: «Решение тестовых заданий»,...
2017-04-19 06:15:44