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How to behave with "kitchen boxers", where to turn if you have witnessed or been a victim of domestic violence, is it necessary to keep such facts quiet? This was discussed at a training seminar held at the Kostanay Academy among 1st-year female cadets of the Faculty of Vocational Training, with the participation of senior inspectors for the protection of women from violence of the Local Police Service Department of the Kostanay Region Police Department, Police Captain Gulzhanat Shayakhmetova and the Kostanay City Police Department, Senior Police Lieutenant Galina Demirova. In turn, the psychological inspectors of the educational and human resources department of the Academy, using practical exercises, identified the factors, processes, and methods that the aggressor and victim use in their lives and talked about how to behave in such everyday situations.17_03_1.jpg
May 17, 2024, 8:13:40 AM