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On May 31, Kazakhstan annually celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression. A book exhibition "Akhtandaktar akikaty" has been organized in the library's reading room. The exhibition presents materials about the tragic pages of the history of the people at the beginning of the twentieth century, about the activities of the political party "Alash" and its leaders, about rehabilitated state and public figures who put forward the ideas of sovereignty and independence of our country. Materials about A.Bukeikhanov, A.Baitursynov, M.Dulatov, T.Ryskulov reveal their personalities as people for whom patriotism and duty to compatriots were above all. The exhibition is complemented by publications about the peoples deported to Kazakhstan in the first half of the twentieth century, as well as materials about camps for political exiles located on the territory of Kazakhstan, such as "ALGIERS" and "KarLag".27_01_1.jpg27_01_2.jpg
May 27, 2024, 6:25:28 AM