Expert meeting in online format
Expert meeting in online format
Aug 22, 2024, 5:35:00 PM
The staff of the Kostanay Academy took part online in an expert meeting organized by the headquarters of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The subject of the discussion was the professional training of staff on the prevention of violent extremism in penitentiary institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan. During the work of the Kostanay Academy, the only university in Central Asia that provides training for UIS employees, had a special mission - to share their experience in this area. Thus, Acting Deputy Head of the Academy Malik Mukanov presented a report to the participants of the meeting on the system of training and retraining of employees of penitentiary institutions and probation service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The activities of the Scientific and Educational Center for the Study of the Nelson Mandela Rules, the Center for the Training of UIS Staff in Countering extremist Ideology, the Center for the Training of Psychologists and conducting Sociological Research and the Center for the Training of Probation Service Specialists were also demonstrated. The information provided by the Academy turned out to be useful for determining the key stages in the development of professional training of penitentiary officers of the Republic of Tajikistan
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