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Alumni Association

Dear graduates of the Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Shrakbek Kabylbayev!

We are pleased to announce that the Academy’s Alumni Association has been created at the university! The platform will become an exchange of experience and close communications for our graduates. Taking into account the historical development of the Academy, we believe that this Association will become a powerful platform for true professionals.

Goals and objectives of the Association

The main goals of the Association are: strengthening the spirit of intelligence, humanity, tolerance, and democracy. Wide dissemination of information about the Kostanay Academy, its traditions, history and current situation. Strengthening the corporate spirit among cadets and graduates of the Academy of all generations, unity and social promotion of graduates, their self-realization.

Increasing the effective use of the intellectual potential of university graduates and the Academy’s capabilities for training and retraining personnel in demand in the labor market and successful in career growth. United and successful graduates are able to contribute to the progressive development of the Academy.

Members of the Association, their rights and obligations

Members of the association are graduates of the Kostanay Academy.

Members of the Association have the right:

  • - Participate in the management of the Association, development of long-term and current work plans, elect and be elected to the elected bodies of the Association;
  • - Receive information and methodological materials of the Association, information about decisions of the Association Council and planned events in the field of interest;
  • - Use scientific, informational and other materials prepared by the Association in your work.
  • - Members of the Association are obliged to:
  • - Contribute to solving the problems facing the Association;
  • - Take part in events held by decision of the Association Council;
  • - Comply with the Regulations of the Association and comply with the decisions of the governing bodies of the Association on time;
  • - Timely notify the Council of changes in your home and work addresses, telephone numbers, place of work and position;
  • - If possible, provide material, advisory and other assistance for the implementation of the work of the Association.
  • - Cover your activities in the media.
  • - Preserve, inherit and enrich the historical and cultural heritage created by graduates.
  • - Follow the traditions of the Academy.

Entry form