There are new books in the library collection
The library fund of the Kostanay Academy has been replenished with publications "Materials of the State Commission for the Complete Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression (20-50 years of the twentieth century), donated by the head of the Project Office for the support of the activities of the State Commission for the Complete Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression Kassymov Sabyr Akhmetzhanuly.
The collection, consisting of 33 volumes, includes normative legal acts and documents that served as the basis for mass political repression in Kazakhstan in the period from 1920 to 1950. The 18th volume of the collection contains materials on political repression in the Kostanay region. A significant part of the documents is being published for the first time.
The publication was published in Kazakh and Russian languages.
The collection is intended for research specialists, but it will also be of interest to teachers of history, political science, sociology and a wide range of readers.